5 things farmers can do to reduce their impact on climate change

Leading on from the previous blog post, we now know how important it is to make a change in the world of agriculture from both farmers and consumers. But how might we start to make these changes?
Below are listed 5 different resources for farmers to get to grips with the reality of the change, facilitate it better and make it less intimidating.
1: Apps –
Agronote and Gamaya are two modern apps that have just been released on the App store and Google store.
Agronote focuses on providing a tool for farmers to record their expenses and incomes, planning ahead for the rest of the year and optimizing sustainable agriculture by optimizing chemical use.
The app allows you to create individual farm records, financial flows and test out farming plans for the rest of the year. https://agronote-app.blogspot.com/ – Agronote’s blog.
Gamaya focuses on improving you efficiency and sustainability of the farming by providing high-tech solutions.
Airborne and space-borne imagery is collected on the farm with historical climate data which is then coupled with the crop, variety and region specific analysis of the acquired data. Maps from this data are then generated to characterize the specific issues such as nutrient deficiencies and disease infections which then leads onto targets and recommendations for the individual farmer to optimize crop growth. https://gamaya.com/ – Gamaya’s website
2: Podcast –
One of the most regarded farming podcasts in the UK comes from Patrick Holden, CBE and founder of the Sustainable Food Trust. Each week they release a new podcast covering a new topic with a guest speaker. Despite the podcast being highly respected, it was started in April 2020 which means the content is all extremely relevant to the changes that are occurring at present (COVID-19) being a big theme.
Click on the link below to listen to one of the many episodes that have: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Kjoen2vi8hDu1ulryi07b?si=aGJdGRVLRoWsWwq_TX5lKA
Another podcast channel to tune into that is not just for experienced farmers, but also for household families who have green fingers. They have weekly episodes providing tips and advice on topics such as composting, fungi and farming with the land. https://open.spotify.com/show/6DH4a0QdORjejwkjeDNLSm?si=hFzsIYThRiqaOu8zupRh3Q
3: Events –
in line with the new ‘normal’ and restrictions due to COVID19, farmers will actually find they are more likely to be able to attend more events than before. This is because most of them are now virtual with people attending from all over the world to listen to key speakers,
learn new things and network with each other.
4: Subscriptions –
To get seasonal updates on the most current topics, events and resources, subscribe to Sustainable Farming Magazine. It is the world’s leading magazine for sustainable livestock rearing. It provides insights on technical advice, animal husbandry and market developments, as well as thought-provoking articles and opinions. https://agreenerworld.org.uk/resources/sustainablefarmingmagazine/
5: Read –
‘We are the Weather – Saving the planet starts at breakfast’ by Jonathan Safran Foer about the urgency of the situation we find ourselves in with climate change and the food production system.
He highlights the need to change imminently from all aspects from our farms to what we have and don’t have for breakfast. Find his book and others similar at: https://bookauthority.org/books/new-sustainable-agriculture-books
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Eco Eats starts with creative storytellers who love to make food, get the grub the love to eat and oh – be healthy!

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