Earlier we connected with J E A N N E from @pop.of.rouge. A healthy foodie and lifestyle advocate who get’s the challenges in the food system and how we can make it sustainable we stop waste and #EveryoneEats. While we were ramping up for the food campaign at the festival she helped with community outreach and offered great marketing advise to deepen our community connections. What was great was at Simon Fraser University she conducted a food security project and already had a great grasp of the food waste and food challenges, people, businesses and non-profits experience. We’re happy to work with her and below is a picture of Jennae (Eco Eats Founder) and her connecting around the food system. We also wish her a great return home as she went on a business trip helping other clients increase their success and share their stories of how they can make the world a better place. Fun fact their names have all the same letters and is pronounced very closely! You’ll have to meet them in person to learn how they sound different. You can get in touch at @pop.of.rouge for Jeanne or team@ecoeats.ca and we’ll be happy to forward emails an questions to either.

Jennae & Jeanne (@pop.of.rouge)