In this project summary we learn the students Journey on Eco Eats beta app to help make the world a better place. We get to discover 4 students their role and How BCIT helped their career and what they loved about Eco Eats. The BCIT Eco Eats team consisted of Mathew Shew, Jeffery Chou, Justin Leung and Li-Yan Tong, all came together to work on the shared project.

Matthew Shew was the back-end developer and helped design and implement the login process for new users, as well as search and display new food listings. He’s currently in his graduating year of BCIT CST program as a member of the Data Communications and Internet working option. When he was asked what he loved about Eco Eats he replied “I think Eco Eats provides a simple and safe system to share extra food that would have otherwise gone to waste. I believe Eco Eats fits in perfectly with Vancouver’s green initiative and I am glad I was able to be a part of it from the beginning.”

Jeffery Chou was Eco Eats BCIT Team Quality Assurance Developer and detected, tested and fixed software bugs during development. Like Matthew he is also in his graduating year from BCIT CST Data Communications and Internet working option. And Jeffery mentioned Eco Eats difference is how they stop “both food waste and food insecurity occur at the same time is unacceptable to me. I love that Eco Eats addresses these two issues with a solution that benefits consumers and businesses.”

Justin Leung maintained Eco Eats back-end functionality of Eco Eats platform while also helping the front-end design. He liked the design and discovering the process of helping fight food waste while also helping feed our communities across Canada. Since his completion at BCIT he has been hired as a part-time developer, and Google marketing specialist thanks to the project and services provided by BCIT.

Li-Yan Tong served as Eco Eats BCIT Team project lead. This meant he was the anchor for the group, organized team deliverable, discussions, reviewed code and worked on the app feedback and styling. Currently, he is graduating from the Computer Systems Technologist Diploma at BCIT specializing in the Data Communications and Internet working 2018 option. During his time at Eco Eats he admired “Eco Eats vision of promoting positive change by providing a simple and convenient platform to connect consumers and businesses to reduce food waste. Eco Eats has shown that you can be environmentally conscious as well as a savvy shopper.”
The team did a great job and with it we are very fortunate to be working with BCIT as an ongoing industry partner. Below is a blurb shared on BCIT Program’s guide of Eco Eats founder’s experience working with the students on the project assisting the company’s success.